RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A. organiza y desarrolla la presente dinámica comercial bajo los siguientes lineamientos, entre los usuarios de la plataforma de apuestas virtuales (Betplay) que cumplan con las condiciones de este comercial.

Nombre De La Campaña Promocional: “Grita Independencia y gana con Betplay”

Inicio De La Campaña: 19 de Julio del 2024

Cierre De La Campaña: 19 de Julio del 2024

Premio: Bono Casino

El premio se entregará de manera directa a la persona que cumplan con las condiciones específicas.

Fecha entrega del premio: El bono se cargará 5 días hábiles después de terminada la promoción.


Dinámica: Entra a participar todos los usuarios que cumplan con las condiciones anteriormente mencionadas, el próximo 19 de julio del 2024 De 8:00 am a 9:00pm los usuarios que realicen depósitos desde $10.000 en adelante, recibirán un Bono Casino de acuerdo con uno de los 3 rangos de depósitos mencionados en la descripción.


  • Entre $10.000 a $29.999 se entregará Bono de $5.000
  • Entre a $30.000 a $49.999 se entregará Bono de $10.000
  • Superiores a $50.000 se entregará Bono de $20.000


Característica Bono:

  • El Bono Casino tendrá una vigencia de 5 días para su redención, después de ser asignada.
  • El Bono Casino aplica para apuestas de Slots ubicadas en el Reel Paga monedas Plus y Mesas Plus.
  • Aplican solo 1 (un) Bono Casino por Usuario.


Condiciones de Especiales:

  • Participan todos los usuarios nuevos y antiguos registrados en la plataforma de Betplay de los departamentos de: Arauca, Casanare, Guaviare, San Andrés, Vichada, Guainía y Vaupés.
  • Promoción válida para mayores de 18 años
  • Aplica para depósitos realizados en los puntos de venta SuperGIROS de los departamentos de Arauca, Casanare, Guaviare, San Andrés, Vichada, Guainía y Vaupés.


  • Aplica solo para el primer deposito realizado en el periodo de la vigencia de la promoción.
  • Aplica solo para depósitos realizados por los RANGOS de depósitos establecidos.
  • Solo se entregará un bono por usuario durante el promocional.
  • Se entregarán beneficios hasta agotar presupuesto.
  • El valor máximo por beneficio entregado no excederá los $20.000 por bono
  • Solo aplica para los depósitos realizados durante los días de la promoción 19 de julio del 2024.
  • El bono casino será habilitado con 5 días hábiles, después de elegir el ganador.
  • El bono no es acumulable.
  • El bono solo aplica para apuestas en casino.
  • El bono es redimible únicamente para Apuestas de casino
  • Aplica para los siguientes de Departamentos: Arauca, Casanare, Guaviare, San Andrés, Vichada, Guainía y Vaupés.
  • Entrega de premios hasta agotar existencia.


USO DE IMAGEN: RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A. hará un registro de imágenes en general de los ganadores para actividades de mercadeo, que serán o podrán ser publicadas en el sitio Web, u otros medios publicitarios, por el tiempo que la empresa lo vea necesario, sin que por esto se genere el reconocimiento de derechos de imagen. Las fotografías publicadas por los usuarios no pueden tener contenido sexual ni contenido que atente contra la moral de las personas, de lo contrario la fotografía será eliminada. La participación en el sorteo incluye a favor de RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A el registro y uso de su imagen en el acto de premiación y su mención en los medios y canales en los que se anuncien los resultados de la campaña promocional, sin derecho a exigir compensación alguna, a lo cual renuncia por anticipado.

POLÍTICA DE TRATAMIENTO DE DATOS PERSONALES: Al participar en la campaña, los vendedores participantes aceptan los términos y condiciones de la campaña y autorizan a RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A para recolectar, usar, almacenar y procesar los datos de acuerdo a nuestra política de tratamiento de datos personales que puede ser consultada en el sitio web de cada departamento participante y con los principios de confidencialidad y reserva que exige la ley. La persona acepta que la información suministrada es veraz, completa, exacta y comprobable. Además, se le garantizarán los derechos de modificación, rectificación y/o eliminación de sus datos personales, conforme al procedimiento allí indicado.

RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A podrá eliminar los comentarios o publicaciones que contengan datos considerados privados o sensibles, que atenten contra la moral o el buen nombre de una persona natural o jurídica, los cuales no participarán en los sorteos realizados.

RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A se reserva el derecho de suspender la actividad promocional por causa justificada, y en especial, cuando se detecte fraude o manipulaciones en el proceso de participación.

RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A., sus colaboradores, asociados o accionistas, responderán por garantía sobre los artículos que constituyen el plan de premios, después de la entrega al ganador.



Cash Speaks: A Polyamorous Few Gagner 110 000 $ Par an

Meet up with the Polyamorous Couple Dating Long-Distance And generating $110K A Year

The AskMen editorial group thoroughly researches & product reviews a gear, services and basics for life. AskMen might get paid in the event that you click a web link in this specific article and purchase a product or solution.

Eric and Lila are polyamorous, which means both big date and rest together with other folks. However, they are major partners, aka, both’s major squeeze. From professions in academia, to friends, also to actually lovers, the two show a whole lot. AskMen trapped with these brainy poly young ones to educate yourself on tips stabilize budgets whenever you inhabit various states and now have numerous some other associates.

Names: Eric (39) and Lila (26)
Occupations: Eric really does post-doctorate research and Lila is a doctorate student who additionally bartends.
Location: Connecticut and ny City
Separate yearly wages: $60,000 (Eric) and $50,000 (Lila)
Combined incomes: $110,000
Relationship period: Eight months
Relationship status: main partners within a polyamorous setup who live separately (Lila scientific studies and really works in new york and Eric operates undertaking post-doctorate research in Connecticut but travels to nyc often)
Before we get for some financing questions, just how did you two meet? Lila: We came across through mutual friends. We’re throughout equivalent poly neighborhood and an old spouse of mine is good buddies with Eric. We hooked up at an event and dropped for example another easily. Eric: Yeah, it had been at an event at all of our pal’s set in the city. I had heard Lila’s name appear and viewed this lady on social media and next first night circumstances got serious quickly. We made a decision to be main lovers after about monthly of dating.

If you are unfamiliar with polyamory and “primary lovers,” would you explain exactly what the phase means?

Eric: Yes. Very, as soon as we came across I was doing the unicamente poly thing. I got numerous partners but there was no hierarchy — everyone was for a passing fancy playing field and I attempted to invest equivalent time to everyone. Having a major partner as a poly person only ensures that we are one another’s “primary,” like main, companion.

Lila: Yeah, we nevertheless date and sleep together with other men and women, and often we big date and attach together with other men and women as a couple [threesomes and team sex]. In different ways, we resemble a monogamous couple from an outsider’s viewpoint and from now on we set each other very first. Thus, as soon as we carry out big date and sleep with others separately we’re honest that individuals’re already in a major relation.

Comment êtes-vous entré dans la poly vie?

Lila: Chez Burning Guy, in the menace de sonne comme un cliché global.

Donc, mettre le poly questions en attente, pourrait-il être cher à habitent différents endroits? Eric, Je sais que vous êtes employé dans Connecticut et Lila va à class et bartends à nyc.

Eric: Puisque mon personnel livre est si bas dans Connecticut, en toute honnêteté, je suis comme nous sauvetage argent supplémentaire que beaucoup d’autres nyc partenaires. Nous sommes partout universitaires donc nous ne possédez pas une tonne de argent, néanmoins le voyage est simple, et nous aussi arriver at utiliser le money I économiser bien sur louer en gardant quelque part dans le Connecticut sur des choses comme vacances. Lila vie seule dans un appartement à loyer contrôlé donc je dépensé charges de vacances chez elle spot. Pour les nouveaux Yorkers (je suis pratiquement un nouveau Yorker) nous semblons avoir un ange de l’argent gardien.

Alors, comment exactement rencontre serieuses autres personnes aspect en money? En tant que émoussé, puisque vous rendez-vous avec autres personnes, avez-vous avez moins dépenser sur et avec l’autre?

Lila: Eh, pas. La poly communauté est assez révolutionnaire et avant considérer donc ce n’est pas vraiment comme men acheter tous le plats. J’ai toujours séparé mon heures de sorte qu’il ne être n’importe quel distinct de facilement fini par être sortir pour dîner avec un copain. Une importante source qui devient quelque chose dans les setups est en fait temps. Surtout quand vous êtes aussi fonctionnement et obtenir votre PhD. Nous deux croyons liberté actuellement autres est en fait la plupart raisonnable pour maintenir une relation. Beaucoup configurations monogames échouent. Par conséquent, le temps investi avec d’autres se sent comme un investissement financier pour le long-durable relation.

J’ai le sentiment que aujourd’hui vous deux résider financièrement séparé emplois du temps, et split situations – avez observez que changer si vous vous vous marieriez|hitched} ou relocate les uns avec les autres?

Eric: jamais état. Je sais dans mon vraiment amour et dévouement à Lila, mais rapidement je suis décider de tâches [en tant que professeur] qui pourrait pousser moi à garder la côte est. Et ni gens savent la façon dont nous l’expérience mariage. Nous pourrions devenir bi-côtiers, nous pourrions wind up révéler un lieu à New York et faire référence à mariage le impôt avantages – tellement pourrait changer en un an donné nos modes de vie.

Lila: Exactement Quoi il mentionné.

Vous avez parlé vacances, qu’est-ce que quelque chose vous dernièrement commandé l’un l’autre? Vraiment money en fait en fait un aspect?

Eric: Non. Le capitalisme est un arrêt pour les deux folks.

Lila: Il a obtenir moi personnellement ce à couper le souffle fouet violet LELO il n’y a pas trop longtemps. Nous ne sommes pas très en pervers, mais tout le monde aime violet et c’est vraiment donc magnifique. Quelques nos amis toss kink occasions souvent, et moi ‘vais|vais|assister|probablement|planifier|parcourir|planifier|probablement} apporter particulier par rapport à cela.

Comment avez le antérieur relations impact la méthode que vous voir profit celui-ci ?

Eric: Lila avait été assez chanceuse découvrir polyamour beaucoup plus jeune que je l’ai fait. Dans ma propre 20 ans et au début 30 ans Je me suis retrouvé dans beaucoup de monogames interactions qui ont été financièrement conventionnelles de la même manière que je couvert la plupart des dates et exactement quoi peut-être pas. Monogamie ne vient évidemment personnellement incase je suis obtenir honnête ni fait vraiment constamment payant la facture, donc je ‘d construire ressentiment envers mon précédent partenaires. Élément de qui était personnelle échec parce que {j’étais|je suis devenu|je me suis trouvé|je suis arrivé ne pas devenir sincère avec moi. Cependant il m’a très reconnaissant ayant localisé mon récent société et Lila.

Lila: je me suis trouvée toujours très centrée sur école pendant que je fini par être plus jeune, donc je n’ai eu énormément de très sérieux connexions comparer avec.

Êtes-vous capable de partager exactement combien vous dépenser tout au long du suivant?

Lease: Lila: we a eu de la chance away et j’ai hérité d’un set à Brooklyn qui dépenses 900 $ mensuel pour l’ensemble chose. Eric: et que moi suis bas prix et vis avec colocataires dans une maison donc je payer 650 $.
Voiture coûts: Eric: Ni les effectivement une voiture.
Dette: Eric: Je suis directement à un PhD programme [qui paie, tandis que les programmes de grasp nécessitent frais de scolarité] et donc je ai seulement prêts étudiants du premier cycle dont je simplement terminé payer environ 2 ans retour. Je débourser peut-être 200 $ par mois en cartes de crédit. Lila: Sauf que petit dette de carte de crédit personnelle Il n’y en a pas prêts étudiants; my grands-parents achetés my personal de premier cycle.
Nourriture et vêtements: Lila: les repas, c’est où notre argent va. Très probablement environ 300 $ pour ma situation? Et non concept sur vêtements – peut-être 100 $? J’achète circonstances chaque fois que je besoin tous juste après quoi costumes pour fêtes. Eric: I would imagine 400 $ les deux pour.

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Gay Benidorm, Spain | The Fundamental LGBT Travel Guide!

Noted for being popular getaway destination for Uk Tourists, Benidorm is a fantastic Spanish seaside area with a thriving gay area and year-round sun. It Doesn’t Matter If you’re examining the energetic urban area life, the attractive shores, or even the booming gay one-fourth in Old City, you won’t struggle to discover a gay or gay-friendly location close by…

In fact, you cannot get far to the heart of Benidorm without driving a homosexual landmark, whether that end up being one of the main fantastic homosexual pubs or a favorite cruising area during the coastline; but pinpointing all of them could be tough – which is the reason why we have been here to assist you discover queer rooms in Benidorm quicker!

This slice of Spanish Summer paradise provides all sorts of location that a homosexual tourist or citizen could wish, from gay hot rooms and driving to gay pubs and dancehalls; it might be an understatement to say Benidorm was a little queer-friendly…

Aside from the lively night life, Gay Benidorm provides way more than basic joins the queer eye, whether you are right here when it comes down to views of large skyscrapers in a backdrop of luxurious Spanish surroundings using wealthy bluish waters of the Mediterranean lapping at your feet and/or lots of themed areas and historical sites.

Take a walk through a modern-day tangible forest, hike up one of seven national playground peaks, or take an image of Roman ruins. The options for day to day activities tend to be limitless, together with exact same is actually valid for night life. Despite Benidorm merely having a population of 72,000 residences, it’s got various activities you’ll generally see in a much bigger city.

In this post, we will explore the homosexual scene in Benidorm and highlight some of the best places to check out for an enjoyable and comprehensive vacation. From pubs and groups to beaches and activities, we’ll present an inside look into the thing that makes Benidorm a top destination for homosexual travelers. Therefore whether you are considering a romantic escape or a wild party, keep reading to find exactly why Benidorm (and perhaps close by
Gay Alicante
) should-be your next LGBTQ+ holiday destination.

In this article we’re going to include…

Tourist attractions in Gay Benidorm

As an innovative new customer to Gay Benidorm, there are plenty of points to see and perform, no matter what your sexual orientation. One of the better strategies to encounter any brand-new area will be go to the its the majority of legendary landmarks and destinations, including visiting historical monuments, galleries, and galleries.

We also love looking at architecture up close, exploring areas and gardens, testing the regional cuisine, going to regional markets, and attending cultural occasions such as festivals, shows and programs. Through the coastlines and area sail towards themed areas and historic attributes, you ought to be capable fill your whole time with tasks should you therefore wish.

Although the out-and-proud queer we have been, we however want to just check out the metropolis and its particular culture in the same way as everyone else. Performing this allows us the ability to find out more about the metropolis and its particular folks and acquire a deeper understanding of the local society. As such, normally the most popular gay-friendly and straight-out gay tourist attractions in Benidorm.

Terra Mitica

Starting only during summertime, Terra Mitica is among three amusement parks in Benidorm you’ll want to go to if you’d like to take full advantage of the trip. The thing that makes this stick out could be the story and reputation for the location it’s wanting to tell through the styles of each and every trip and appeal on park.

More over, apart from providing to all types of men and women, this park will allow you to make use of the cozy climate and complete a long time of one’s day.


The water world of Benidorm only reveals during summertime, just like the some other theme parks in your neighborhood, whenever you wish to cool off from outside activities through the temperature, you can certainly do very at the enormous liquid playground.

This playground suits all its consumers’ needs, becoming a gay-friendly location to go swimming if you would like skip the salt and coastline sands. In the place of swimming lengths, get at drinking water slides, the luge, and rapids, and take notes to see every themed swimming pool. You certainly will feel like you might be taking a trip through Amazon one minute additionally the Pacific another, and you do not have to take a trip not even close to The country of spain to get it done.

Benidorm Island

Keep the disorder with the urban area and head out on a motorboat in to the cardiovascular system in the ocean, the place you will likely be fulfilled by a stoic and untouched island that contains observed across the beginning of this hotel city. Benidorm isle may not be in a position to welcome you on appearance, although appeal of their triangular structure would be worthwhile.

The boat ride on the island features an under water viewing patio observe seafood and so on whilst make twenty-minute trip. As soon as you arrive, there is certainly a cafe, and you may walk around the island, with the opinions looking back again to the mainland worth every penny to the majority of. Unfortunately, however, the peacocks it had been as soon as famed for are not any longer right here.


If you find yourself a sucker for animals, the animal playground Mundormar is actually a must-see in Benidorm. Simply take photos with pets like seals, whales, penguins, meerkats and a lot more – however, if you would like to keep your range, there is a choice to view numerous types from open displays.

This one is really huge that one could spend a whole day exploring the park, as well as your entryway cost will go towards pet care and donations to animals fundamentals.

San Jaume Church

This traditional church is actually an iconic an element of the area’s lengthy record, and it was here before Benidorm became a towering skyscraper hub saturated in visitors. Built-in 1740, the church however keeps the majority of their initial two blue domes crafted inside Mediterranean neoclassical design.

Playa de Poniente and Playa de Levante

Benidorm provides iconic coastlines that stretch for kilometers along the shoreline, and you cannot miss looking into both! In particular, Playa de Levante is actually exceptionally close to the homosexual one-fourth of Old Town, so you may check out for a splash on your journey to check out the queer scene Benidorm offers.

Either place is actually extremely gay-friendly, which includes even their ‘unofficial gay nudist areas’ (for example Playa Levante Nudist Beach Beyond Cable-ski. However, for a far more authoritative alternative just beyond area, you have the Nudist seashore at Platja Raco Del Conill.

If getting the equipment off is not suitable you, you can easily lounge in your clothing regarding main stretching in the beaches or go with a drop when you look at the crystal blue water taking advantage of the different occasions open during summer any time you see during Benidorm’s most energetic season.

Benidorm Gay World

Strut the roads of Old Town in Benidorm, referring to the place you’ll discover queerest people and organizations about. The home of the majority of the urban area’s homosexual lifestyle, here it is possible to choose from various different pubs, nightclubs also queer locations for the most wonderful summer time gay holiday in The country of spain. Alright, just about the most – it generally does not rather compare to
Gay Sitges.

Altea Cruise with barbeque in Old Community

Experience Spain’s magical “White Coast” with this catamaran cruise from Altea. After placing cruise through the port of Altea, chill on deck while appreciating spectacular coves and high cliffs.

Enjoy a move in the calm seas of an isolated beach, delight in a no cost barbecue meal onboard, together with a cocktail and meal at Casco Antiguo de Altea, a cafe or restaurant situated atop a hill in Altea’s charming outdated part.

Sierra Helada Natural Park Segway Tour

This national park is actually an amazing destination to check out, whether by walking or as an element of a segway tour. The national playground rests from the backdoor of the town, is filled with lavish woodlands and has now seven peaks is conquered with incredible views.

Anyone who requires a walking or wildlands interest to attract these to an urban area has their requirements satisfied right here. Very, it doesn’t matter how homosexual it is, this might be the hook to reel you or your queer buddies to Benidorm.

Tossal de la Cala

Tossal de los angeles Cala has actually a Roman damage on top of this slope, with magnificent shoreline and ocean opinions. You can easily enjoy history at your fingertips whilst imagine Romans checking out this place over two thousand years back. Maybe this is a favorite spot to sit with homosexual associates actually in the past?

Gay-Friendly & Gay Resorts in Benidorm

Along with your times now spent during the various homosexual destinations, you’ll need someplace to rest in Gay Benidorm, very maintain you covered on both, there’s a lot of gay-friendly hotel options to sleep your own exhausted little feet.

A number of these choices are near Old community, where in fact the center of homosexual nightlife thrives in Benidorm, so if you wish to hold within strolling length of the hub, in search of a resort close by is simple.

Of course, there are additionally
hundred’s more lodge and hostel choices in Benidorm
if nothing among these satisfy your desired spending budget, amenities or place – nevertheless these are the most effective motels in accordance with some other gay travelers and you.

Whatever your requirements are, Benidorm has actually you covered.

Alojamientos la Vila Mayor 7


Located only a little way out from the homosexual hub of Benidorm, but with wheels, it might only be a quick drive to Old community. You possibly can make many of beachside views within walking length associated with the beach, Muralles de la Vila Joiosa, and Santa Maria de los angeles Vila Joiosa.

Furthermore, you should have a complete apartment for yourself, so you could imagine you live here for several days! So, with a massive place as well as 2 areas, you can check out the regional gay hook-up scene if you’re experiencing adventurous.

Villa Senomar ☆☆☆☆

Located just a brief bus ride from Old community, this metropolitan escape will make you feel a beach goodness with an unbelievable Mediterranean villa. The closed-in accommodation has actually a shared swimming pool with state of mind night lighting effects, umbrella longers, and a tiny waterslide. Each private place has various options with respect to the selected place.

The apartments range from both, in fundamental requirements, they give an outdoor region for sitting and enjoying the organic facets typically forgotten about in the heart of Benidorm, enclosed by concrete jungles. Inside you’ll find another room, restroom, relaxing region, and kitchen with standard needs.

Apartamentos Primavera Loix ☆☆☆

Found very near to the coastline additionally the backdoor woodlands of Benidorm, an area that will be also queer-friendly doesn’t get a lot better than this. It will likely be hard to get your own buns out from the sun using numerous outdoor entertainment options for the customers for this resort, from massive swimming pools and h2o characteristics into the relaxing loungers and spas alongside the pool.

However, once you drag yourself to your room to ready your small stroll to city destinations, your room might be another trap. Every space has actually a balcony, wonderful opinions, a quaint destination to spend early morning after urban area curfew, additionally the basic cooking area, restroom, bed room, and lounge.

Mercure Benidorm ☆☆☆☆

This gay-favorite urban retreat is just one of the coolest motels five minutes from Old community. The complex has actually everything you could previously require when on vacation, from internal bar and comfy pool to a delightful garden to manufacture us feel like we’re in the nation rather than in the middle of an active city.

The highlight of the four-star palace is that you’ll be handled like royalty whenever you appear, from the first baggage carrier to your on-demand break fast. And do not get all of us begun on space; they will have terraces, gentle polyurethane foam bedrooms, a spiral staircase… you obtain the concept. Count on lavishness all day.

Resort Primavera Park


Just about the most incredible main town accommodations in Benidorm, near Old Town, is actually resort Primavera Park. Possible discover a tropic utopia with hand trees and superior oceans, all through the resort’s children’s pool terraces, and also in the pool, you will get some unique views in the area sitting well below.

The style of this hotel building is striking whilst has razor-sharp offset aspects, which put the normal square concrete towers around it to shame. The choice of tones and inside designs create feel like you are in the Pacific or
, with hand trees and glassy walls so that in just as much light possible.

The site features a number of drinking taverns, a treat club, a restaurant, a health club, huge entrances and public spaces, and quaint city-view apartments. Your rooms have actually balconies, dual bedrooms, blackout blinds, tables, and bathrooms. Although for meals, you’ll want to obtain the numerous resort eateries or get takeout.

Asia Gardens Hotel & Thai Spa, A Regal Hideaway Resort


This first-class Asian-inspired garden lodge and health spa is the most unexpected holiday in order to get found for homosexual hotel solutions in Benidorm. Who’d have likely to discover some little bit of Asia in a tourist spot in Spain? In either case, once you remain right here, you are going to need to handle the retreat being not even close to the shore, however with a motor vehicle, this will never be a problem.

Areas may well not have wifi, nevertheless the aesthetic and extras tend to be exactly why individuals get and state only at that gay-friendly holiday. You’ve got public pools, spas, and longing locations under a shady share umbrella, and with all building’s Asian design, it is going to feel like nothing else you might get in Benidorm.

Gay Nightlife In Benidorm

To begin your own gay evening in Benidorm, initial point of get in touch with is obviously probably going to be the Old Town, to begin with the rounds of the numerous LGBT pubs and homosexual venues.

It is best to time the entry early should you want to attempt to strike all of them on a single evening, although we do not convince wanting to perform a great deal all at one time, using the last entryway to pubs at around midnight, with most finishing at 1 am.

But you’ll have some sites that stay open to guests already in until 6-7 am.

Gay Bars In Benidorm

Feelings Benidorm

The feeling is a stylish gay-owned club found in the center of Old community down a quiet street. This relaxed club takes on the newest songs and videos as you enjoy their own trademark cocktails or select only a little party. You can be assured the songs will not be as well noisy, when you want a calming bar, this is exactly a primo choice.

Organization Club Benidorm

One of several homosexual pubs in Benidorm based in Old Town, the firm club provides the club experience with themed occasions and typical pull queens. A highlight for a lot of is the comfortable and welcoming barman Dino, who is out of his option to help everybody regardless how small or big the task is. Because of this, you will surely have the yarn, calm eating and sipping knowledge.

Nature Club

This homosexual club in Old Town features all you need for the night life knowledge at a bar. From cocktails and beer to wines and spirits, the wonderful club features you covered, with sensible vocals to really make the talk not impossible.  If that is not enough to lure you, the act is decked in queer rainbows and flags, which means you wouldn’t feel out of place dressed in that
pride t-shirt.

Gspot Benidorm

In Old city, GSpot the most popular homosexual bars. It stands apart because it is gay-owned, and the owners tend to be extremely friendly to clients, which makes it a highlight of a lot visits. Not only this, the space is tiny but quaint, with a relaxed environment and home-mixed cocktails that renders men and women come back time and time again.

Huntys Pub

Hunty’s club is actually a homosexual club in the heart of Old community that’s ready to accept all sorts of people, not just catering to homosexual people. Hetero-friendly, if you will. The venue is fashionable, with a big patio and plenty of sitting to enjoy certainly their unique lots of cocktails or any other drinks. This easy-going club is great if you’d like a peaceful destination to talk or go out.

Kafee Klee

If you’d like to see one of several oldest pull cabaret pubs run-in Benidorm (since 1994), subsequently Kafee Klee is actually a must-see. A much more remarkable truth is that entryway is free of charge, and all sorts of you should do is a step where door, and you will certainly be faced with every night of limitless enjoyment, an amiable atmosphere and many levels of enjoyable. This is a small place, so that they inspire you to definitely reserve someplace ahead.

DD’s Club Benidorm

Referred to as a freely gay club with abience and tranquillity, DD’s pub is actually a must-stop when making the rounds of Old community. The owners are friendly, with inexpensive beverages and fantastic discussion if you’d like to talk with locals in the club.

One final extra with this becoming an open bar is that you can sit outside the house, and if you are visiting with puppies, they allow you to to use the tables with them—just among the numerous main reasons why it is well worth seeing. Even although you don’t possess a dog, it makes for a easy solution to hit upwards discussions.

Le Tucan

In the title of the colorful bird, Le Tucan is a colourful gay club with an exciting culture in Old city that desires to bring to the dining table the ‘old gay knowledge’ as an alternative to others homosexual lifestyle in Benidorm. If you are antique, this bar was a primary location to visit, simply take a-dance and a spin in the only dancing pole inside the homosexual quarter.

Brief Experience

Brief Encounter is actually a homosexual multilingual club during Old community which includes of the buffest bartenders you may meet (and if you’re fortunate, they may be shirtless). The bar supplies wifi, songs and a relaxing planet around the club for patrons from all parts of society to savor.

Barcode Benidorm

Found in the cardiovascular system of Old Town and right next door to Mercury, we now have Barcode Benidorm. Because of the homosexual disco place across the street, Barcode provides a quieter spot to flake out or take a rest from party, with low priced yet delicious products and great employees to keep your sunglasses full.


Mercury is a gay disco club in Old city with a big gay touring clients. Among {big|larg
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Nombre de la campaña: Pasión futbolera

Inicio de la campaña: 01 de Junio de 2024

Cierre de la campaña: 31 de Julio de 2024

Premios: Televisores, camisetas originales de la Selección Colombia, Cavas rumberas, Kits Futboleros y parlantes.

Dinámica: Los clientes que fidelicen sus transacciones con su número de cédula o depositen la tirilla de la transacción diligenciada con sus datos personales en los buzones autorizados y/o Usuarios nuevos que se registren en la plataforma de BetPLAY Y Beneficios SuperGIROS participaran en los sorteos de los premios de la campaña.

Fecha de sorteos: La campaña tiene dos dinámicas.

Primer Dinámica: Participan todos nuestros usuarios que realicen transacciones de los productos participantes.

2 opciones de participar:

Depositando las colillas en los buzones ubicados en nuestros puntos de venta SuperGIROS
Registrando las transacciones con el número de cédula en Beneficios SuperGIROS.
Primer sorteo: 02 de julio de 2024

Segundo sorteo: 08 de Agosto de 2024

Segunda Dinámica: Participan los usuarios nuevos que se registren en la plataforma de Betplay y recarguen mínimo $2.000

Condiciones Especiales:

Participan los clientes que fidelicen sus transacciones con su número de cedula o depositando la tirilla de la transacción en los buzones autorizados.
Usuarios nuevos que se registren en la plataforma de BetPLAY (Valido para registros con recarga de $2.000 en adelante) Y Beneficios SuperGIROS.
Los clientes pueden participar en una o en las tres opciones autorizadas, es decir, pueden fidelizar su transacción, adicional depositar la tirilla en el buzón autorizado o registrasen en Beneficios SuperGIROS y/o BetPlay (Valida para registros con recarga de $2.000 en adelante
La tirilla depositada en el buzón debe contener los datos personales del cliente: Nombre, cedula y teléfono.
Son válidas las tirillas correspondes a transacciones de los productos participantes
Solo podrán participar personas mayores de edad, de nacionalidad colombiana y residentes legalmente en Colombia.
Las tirillas participantes en el primer sorteo NO participan en el segundo Sorteo.
Se sorteará los premios entre los clientes que cumplan las condiciones del promocional.
Los posibles ganadores se contactan de manera telefónica, un número máximo tres veces, si el cliente no contesta el premio se sorteará nuevamente.
Si durante las llamadas el número está apagado o se envía buzón de voz el premio se sorteará nuevamente.
Para reclamar el premio el cliente debe entregar el documento de identidad con su respectiva fotocopia y diligenciar el formato de entrega de premio.
Si ningún cliente cumple con las condiciones, el premio se declara desierto.
El ganador acepta el uso de su imagen y datos para fines de publicidad y promoción por parte de la empresa.
Para reclamar el premio el cliente debe estar registrado o registrarse en Beneficios SuperGIROS.
El cliente cuenta con 30 días calendario para reclamar el premio, después de definirse como ganador.

RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A. Se reserva el derecho de bajar la publicación de la campaña social, una vez el promocional cumpla su existencia de regalos.

Valido para los Departamentos de Arauca, Casanare, Guainía, Guaviare, Vaupés, Vichada y San Andrés y Providencia

USO DE IMAGEN: RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A. hará un registro de imágenes en general, para actividades de mercadeo, que serán o podrán ser publicadas en el sitio Web, u otros medios publicitarios, por el tiempo que la empresa lo vea necesario, sin que por esto se genere el reconocimiento de derechos de imagen. Las fotografías publicadas por los usuarios no pueden tener contenido sexual ni contenido que atente contra la moral de las personas, de lo contrario la fotografía será eliminada. La participación en el sorteo incluye a favor de RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A el registro y uso de su imagen en el acto de premiación y su mención en los medios y canales en los que se anuncien los resultados de la campaña promocional, sin derecho a exigir compensación alguna, a lo cual renuncia por anticipado.

POLÍTICA DE TRATAMIENTO DE DATOS PERSONALES: Al participar en la campaña, las personas participantes aceptan los términos y condiciones de la campaña y autorizan a RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A para recolectar, usar, almacenar y procesar los datos de acuerdo a nuestra política de tratamiento de datos personales que puede ser consultada en el sitio web de cada departamento participante y con los principios de confidencialidad y reserva que exige la Ley 1581 de 2012 o aquella que sobre la materia regule. La persona acepta que la información suministrada es veraz, completa, exacta y comprobable; además, se le garantizarán los derechos de modificación, rectificación y/o eliminación de sus datos personales, conforme al procedimiento allí indicado.

RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A podrá eliminar los comentarios o publicaciones que contengan datos considerados privados o sensibles, que atenten contra la moral o el buen nombre de una persona natural o jurídica, los cuales no participarán en los sorteos realizados.

RED DE SERVICIOS DE LA ORINOQUIA Y EL CARIBE S.A se reserva el derecho de suspender la actividad promocional en caso estime necesario, y en especial, cuando se detecte fraude o manipulaciones en el proceso de participación.
